Time for another entry in the Lolita 52 Challenge! I have a few posts to catch up on, so I'm going to try and do a few more this week so I'm on track to finish by the end of the year. Without further ado--I want to head straight into this weeks theme: 10 facts about my Lolita wardrobe!
- I can count on one hand the number of main items I have sold from my closet. When I buy my Lolita items, I buy them to keep, and I think carefully before purchasing every item in my closet. The items I've sold are usually sold because I found them a little too "plain" once I solidified my Lolita style.
- I have more than quadrupled the amount of brand in my closet over the past year. I do really love brand items, but it wasn't until this past year (2014) that I actually began to buy brand main pieces. Before, I only had a few small items from brand--mostly accessories. Now I have a few dresses and some other bonus items, too!
- I favor jumperskirts. I love, love, LOVE jumperskirts! While most of my prints are one pieces, I find jsks to be a lot easier to coordinate in a multitude of ways, and they're more versatile. They're also more flattering on me than skirts.
- I buy most of my items in one of three colors: black, white, or blue (usually similar to Moitie's signature royal blue). I have a few exceptions (my green plaid JSK comes to mind), but I like having a unified closet, color-wise!
- I have a thing for roses, and they're present in most of my items somehow. Even if it's just something as simple as being on the lace, you can find at least one rose in just about every one of my coordinates! (Hence, of course, my username.)
- The indie brand I own the most items from is Lady Sloth; she also holds the distinction of being the indie brand with most items on my wishlist!
- I have an affinity for bonnets and rectangle headdresses, so they're my favorite headpieces. I collect rectangle headdresses voraciously! That being said, I rarely actually manage to wear my bonnets--though I want to change that this year!--because they're rather extravagant.
- Despite basing my wardrobe around "Moitie" colors, I don't own a single piece of Moitie (anymore)! I should try and change that this year.
- I spread into oldschool Lolita specifically because I wanted an excuse to wear a rectangle headdress more often. I wish I was kidding.
- Despite being a taller Lolita and owning brand, I don't own an underskirt yet! I know it's very common to own one to cover the thigh-to-knee gap, but I just haven't gotten around to purchasing one yet... Hopefully I'll be getting a couple this spring!
The post above was a response to the Lolita 52 Week Challenge made by the ever so delightful Caro over at FYeahLolita.
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