When it comes to Lolita, impulse buys usually aren't my thing. I like to plan out what I buy, and have an idea of what my wardrobe needs--and then spend my "budget" for that period of time on those items--or else pick up dream items. This doesn't usually leave room for impulse buys. But every once in a while, I've "slipped up" and made a purchase before thinking it all the way through. Ironically, both of these items have been from Metamorphose! Something about that brand appears to loosen my purse strings, I suppose. And, thus far, it's always paid off in the end--though I still want to stop doing it, for my wallet's sake!
Item 1: Meta Lucky Pack JSK
Otherwise known as my first main item of brand. While I had owned accessories and the like from brands before, this was my first foray into brand jumperskirts. I was understandably nervous about the move, given the fact that I'm plus sized, and had no guarantee that the piece would even fit me other than the word of the girl I was buying from. but when it arrived, I fell in love with the simplicity of it, of how easy it was to match with items from my wardrobe, and--best of all--the simple quality of the garment. The cotton was so thick and soft--to this day, I think that this is one of the nicest pieces in my wardrobe, including other items by Meta and items from other brands.
Item 2: Unknown Shirred Meta OP
The second item I bought purely on impulse was a fully-shirred Metamorphose OP. I bought this mostly because I was curious to see if a fully shirred OP would even fit me. It does, though admittedly not the best (though that's more due to my wide shoulders than my plus size status), so I tend to wear it with boleros and other items to cover up my shoulders a bit. But despite the slight fitting issues, I really like this piece! The lace detailing is really gorgeous, and there's this simple old school kind of vibe that it gives off. This dress was the first piece I bought that was really intended to be an old school piece, rather than a newer-age piece that just uses a black and white color scheme. I love this OP despite its flaws, and really need to make some more outfits with it!
What about you? What are some impulse buys you've made that really paid off in the end? Did they perhaps go entirely outside of your professed style, and introduced you to another substyle you came to love? Or were they items already in your substyle? I'd love to hear your stories in the comments below. Until next time!
The post above was a response to the Lolita 52 Week Challenge made by the ever so delightful Caro over at FYeahLolita.